
“Recruiting BDM Girls for Germanization: A Case-Study of Persuasion,” German Studies Association 2023, Montreal, Canada.

“The Battle Over SS Bride Schools: Interparty Rivalries and Nazi Gender Policy,” Western Association of Women’s Historians 2021, Virtual Panel.

“Sex, Lies, and Loitering: Nazi Regulation of Adolescent Female Sexuality,” German Studies Association 2021, Indianapolis, Indiana.

“The State of Gender Studies in Modern German History: The Decline of Gender or Ready to be Reimagined?” German Studies Association 2019, Portland, Oregon, Roundtable Participant.

“The State of Gender Studies in Modern German History: Intersecting Gender in Early 20th Century Germany: Religion, Education, and Citizenship,” German Studies Association 2019, Portland, Oregon, Panel Commentator.

“’The BDM is Nothing but Whores’: Treachery, Rumor and BDM Girls,” German Studies Association 2019, Portland, Oregon.

Girlhood and Agency in Hitler’s Germany,” Society for the History of Childhood and Youth, 2019, Sydney, Australia.

“Girls’ Bodies and Girls’ Sexuality in Gestapo Cases,” German Studies Association, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.

“Girls and Girlhood in Nazi Germany,” Retirement Conference for Dr. Jean Quataert, Binghamton University, September 2017.

“Censorship, Morality, and National Identity in Weimar Germany,” German Studies Association, October 2016, San Diego, CA.

“Nazi Girlhood and the Nazi Girl,” International Girl Studies Association Inaugural Conference, April 2016, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom.

“Ursel and Sabine in the Wartheland: Nazi Girlhood in Policy and Propaganda,” German Studies Association, 2015, Washington, D.C.

“Girlhood and Germanization in the Reichsgau Wartheland, 1939-1944,” Conference for the Society for the History of Childhood and Youth, 2015, Vancouver, B.C.

“WWI and Its Impact on the Citizen-State Relationship,” panel at Oregon Historical Society, “Perspectives on WWI,” March 9, 2015.

“Protests again Islam in Germany before and after the attack on Charlie Hebdo,” panel at Oregon State University, “Je Suis Charlie? Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, and Satire,” January 20, 2015. Speaker and panel organizer.

“WWI and Its Impact on the Citizen-State Relationship,” panel at Special Collections & Archives Research Center, Oregon State University, “Perspectives on WWI,” November 5, 2014.

Heinz Brandt Got His Gun: Kriegsschundliteratur and Youth in WWI Germany,” German Historical Institute, conference titled “War and Childhood in the Age of the World Wars: Local and Global Perspectives,” Washington D.C., June 2014.

“A Nation Lacking Its Moral Center: Censorship and National Identity in Post-WWI Germany,” Center for the Humanities, Oregon State University, May 2014.

“Saved from Sin, Rescued for the Nation: The schulentlassende weibliche Jugend in Imperial Germany,” Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, 2014, Toronto, Canada.

“Nazi Racial Laws and the 1936 Olympic Games: A Usable Comparison?” panel at Oregon State University, “Russia’s Anti-Gay Laws and the Sochi Olympics,” January 15, 2014. Speaker and panel organizer.

“The Gender of Germanization: The BDM in the Reichsgau Wartheland,” German Studies Association, 2013, Denver, Colorado.

“Gender and the ‘Imagined Community’ in Post-WWI Germany,” Conference for the Western Association of Women Historians, 2013, Portland, Oregon.

“Articulated Nation: Mass Culture, Censorship, and German Identity in the Early Twentieth Century,” German Studies Association, 2011, Louisville, Kentucky.

“‘The Lovely Female Reader’: Gender Prescriptions and Nationalist Messages Made Possible by the ‘Day of the Book, 1932’ in Weimar Germany,” Conference for the Western Association of Women Historians, 2010, Tacoma, Washington.

“Reconsidering Weimar Through the Lens of ‘Trash,’” German Studies Association, 2009, Washington, D.C.

“Battling Schund and Constructing Citizens: Exploring anti-Schund Campaigns and the Category of Trash in Baden, 1900-1933,” German Studies Association, 2008, St. Paul, Minnesota.

“Making Common Cause: Rethinking Women’s Political Identity in the Context of Anti-‘Trash’ Debates in Weimar Germany,” Conference for the Western Association of Women Historians, 2008, Vancouver, B.C.